Welcome Message from Administrator

The mining sector remains a major backbone of Ghana’s economy as the leading foreign exchange earner for the country. However, the increasing illegal small-scale mining practices have brought about a devastating effect on the environment which has impacted negatively on Ghanaians, particularly those living in Mining Communities.
It is in this regard that the Minerals Development Fund Act, 2016, (ACT 912) was passed on the 29th of March, 2016, specifically to ensure true improvement in the standard of living within Mining Communities across the country affected by mining operations.
I, therefore, welcome you, our cherished viewers to the official website of the Minerals Development Fund (MDF).
The Fund believes in transparency and as such would publish accurate and reliable information regarding the fund in order to create the needed public awareness.
All inquiries, suggestions, and comments are welcomed. MDF would not hesitate to respond to all inquiries and also take them into consideration.
Thank you